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Frequently Asked Questions

The Answers You're Looking For

Whether or not you have received behavioral health care in the past, it is completely natural to be curious about our services, facilities and policies. Below, you will find quick responses to some of our most frequently asked questions.

Child Therapy Office

Do you have a waiting list and how soon do services start after initial evaluation?

We are currently accepting new patients.

Typically, approval for services can take up to one month. This information is displayed on a case by case basis 

Image by 2H Media

What type of insurance do you accept?

Currently, we only accept Tricare and private pay.

**More insurance payors to come in the future.**

Child Psycholgist

Where are sessions held?

We are excited to announce that Radiant Rising ABA now offers in clinic services! We believe that it is important to implement ABA in all settings (e.g. home, clinic, community and school) and we strive to provide services in all of these settings, wherever the child and family require support. 

Family with Tablet

Can I be a part of my child's therapy sessions?

Absolutely, we encourage families to be a part of the therapy process as, the overall goal is for the family and the client to function within their home and community without therapeutic interventions present. 

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